The korean society for educational
technology (KSET) Call for Papers 2008 KSET International
Conference ¡°Reconsidering Educational Technology Research Trends¡± Extended Proposal Deadline: General Information You are invited to the
presentation at the KSET (The Korean Society for Educational Technology)
International Convention in Conference Theme n Reconsidering Educational Technology Research Trends Conference Date and Location n Date: April 25 and 26, 2008 (Friday & Saturday) n
Location: Conference Room(6th
Floor) at HIT(Hanyang Institute of Technology) Bldg., Outlines of Conference 1. Topics n
Opportunities & challenges of educational
technology research n
Emerging themes of educational technology research
& development n
Emerging methodology of educational technology
research & development n
New trends in instructional design models and
practices for school & corporate settings n
ICT integration and ethics education in primary and
secondary schools n
Outstanding practices and policies in HRD &
lifelong education n
Effective e-learning, m-learning, and u-learning strategies
and practices n
Successful practices in technology-oriented teacher
education 2. Conference Activities n
Pre-conference Workshop 1: Dr. David Merrill ( n
Pre-conference Workshop 2: Dr. Michael Spector ( n
Invited speakers: Dr. David Merrill ( n
Concurrent Sessions n
Poster Presentations n
Social Events 3. Call for Paper Types of Presentation n
Concurrent Sessions: Proposal (800 words, approximately
3 pages with double space) Full
Paper (No more than 6 Pages with single space) n
Poster Presentations: Proposal (300 words, approximately
1 page with double space)
Full paper (No more than 4 Pages with single space) 4. Important Dates n
Extended Proposal submission for papers and posters: n
Notification of acceptance: n
Deadline for submission of full papers and posters: n
Conference: 5. Proposal Submission Guidelines (papers and posters in English
only) 1)
Paper submission for concurrent sessions n
To submit your proposal, please follow the
submission guidelines and template to submit your proposal electronically at http://www.kset.or.kr and send e-mail to Dr. Song, Hae-Deok or Dr. Joung, Sunyoung at kset08@korea.com. n
The proposal should include a brief introduction,
research questions, research design and methods, and results (or expected
results) in no more than 800 words (approximately 3 pages with double space). n
Acceptance notification will be sent to the first
author by 2)
Poster submission n
The poster presentation proposal is one page
abstract of your research topic with no more than 300 words. n
There is no acceptance notification process for
poster submission. n
If your poster proposal is accepted, the poster
should be sent by ** All proposals and final paper
and poster submission must be written in English. ** The outstanding research paper
will be awarded. Submission Guideline: Download Submission Template: Download 6. General Information about the Conference For program inquiry, please
email to Dr. Song, Hae-Deok or Dr.
Joung, Sunyoung at kset08@korea.com. 7. Registration Information n
Detailed registration information on the conference
and workshop will be available at http://www.kset.or.kr by Myunghee Kang, Ph.D. President The Korean Society for
Educational Technology Dong-sik, Kim, Ph.D. Organizing Committee Chair 2008 KSET International