국제학술지 제12권 1호가 발간되었습니다.
International Journal of Early Childhood Education 제 12권 1호가 발간되었습니다.
국제학술지 구입을 희망하시는 회원님은 학회 사무실(02-972-8552)로 연락주시기 바랍니다.
ㆍA Longitudinal Study on Young Childrens Development of the Representation of Written Number Symbols
- Xin Zhou and Jianhong Wang
ㆍEarly Childhood Practitioners and Accreditation : Perspectives and Experience
- Jin-Hee Lee and Daniel J. Walsh
ㆍThe Effects of Multiple Peer-Mediated Interventions across Activities on Social Compertence of Young Children with Development Disabilities in the Inclusive Preschool Classroom
- Youn-Kyung Cho and So-Hyun Lee
ㆍDrawing Cultural Understanding Through Parent-Teacher Communication: A Case Study of an Ethnoculturally Diverse Preschool
- So-Young Sung
ㆍChildrens Understanding of Mind in Social Pretend Play
- So-Yeon Park
ㆍRelationships Between Private Speech and Task Performance and Attention for Two Kinds of Tasks
- Jeong-Hwa Lee
ㆍA Qualitative Study on Changes in Childrens Socail Relations in Unit Block Activities
- Young-Ok Kim, Kyong-Seon Youn, and Soon-Lye Lee
ㆍAn Attracive, Yet Perplexing Way "To the Things Themselves": A Review of Phenomenological Approach to Education in Korea
- Hae-Ryung Yeu
ㆍFroebels Kindergarten Merging Into American Context: What Has Changed and What Has Remained?
- Shunah Chung
국제학술지 구입을 희망하시는 회원님은 학회 사무실(02-972-8552)로 연락주시기 바랍니다.
ㆍA Longitudinal Study on Young Childrens Development of the Representation of Written Number Symbols
- Xin Zhou and Jianhong Wang
ㆍEarly Childhood Practitioners and Accreditation : Perspectives and Experience
- Jin-Hee Lee and Daniel J. Walsh
ㆍThe Effects of Multiple Peer-Mediated Interventions across Activities on Social Compertence of Young Children with Development Disabilities in the Inclusive Preschool Classroom
- Youn-Kyung Cho and So-Hyun Lee
ㆍDrawing Cultural Understanding Through Parent-Teacher Communication: A Case Study of an Ethnoculturally Diverse Preschool
- So-Young Sung
ㆍChildrens Understanding of Mind in Social Pretend Play
- So-Yeon Park
ㆍRelationships Between Private Speech and Task Performance and Attention for Two Kinds of Tasks
- Jeong-Hwa Lee
ㆍA Qualitative Study on Changes in Childrens Socail Relations in Unit Block Activities
- Young-Ok Kim, Kyong-Seon Youn, and Soon-Lye Lee
ㆍAn Attracive, Yet Perplexing Way "To the Things Themselves": A Review of Phenomenological Approach to Education in Korea
- Hae-Ryung Yeu
ㆍFroebels Kindergarten Merging Into American Context: What Has Changed and What Has Remained?
- Shunah Chung