국제학술지 14권 2호가 발간되었습니다.
관리자 2009.01.14 1001
<국제학술지 14권 2호 목록>

1. Influencing Policy and Practice through Research on Early Childhood Education
: Brenda Taggart, Iram Siraj-Blatchford, Kathy Sylva, Edward Melhuish,& Pam Sammons /7

2. Learning Community among Practice, Research, and Policy
: Gerard Vergnaud /22

3. Mentoring as a Learning Relationship: The Mentees Perspective
: Christine Chen /42

4. Collaboration through Dialogue between Research-Based Knowledge and Field Practice: A Korean Project of Educational Change Inspired by Reggio Emilia Education
: Moonja Oh /58

5. Making Sense of Mathematics Education for Young Children From Preservice Teachers Perspectives
: Hyo-Jin Ahn /79

6. Korean Mothers Perspectives Regarding Their Childrens Education in the U. S: Do Mother Want Their Children to Be A Model Minority?
: Yoo-Seon Bang & Kyee Yum Kwon /98

7.Impact of Maternal Stress on Mothers Perceived Social Behaviors of Their Preschool Children in Korean Families in the United States and Korea
:Anna Cho /120

8. American Early Schooling Influenced by Social Efficiency and Scientific Measurement Movement from the 1910s to the 1920s
:Shunah Chung /139

9.Korean Preschoolers Use of Literate Language Features in Spoken Narratives
: Myn-gyun Kwon & Suk-hee Lee /156

10. Computer Literacy Development : Home Environment
: Byungho Lee /172

11. Early Development and Insung Education
: KyeongMin Lee, Suksil Han & YounJung Choi /192

12. Analysis of Localization Process for Early Childhood Education Enabled by Teacher, Supervisor and Professor Collaboration
: Okja Nam & Boo-Kyung Cho /207

13. Teachers Beliefs and Practices about Play: A Context-based Analysis
: Mihyang Ryu, Deborah W. Tegano, & Mary Jane Moran /229

14. Revisiting Myths of Asian-American Parent Involvement and Child Achievement: Cultural Capital Theory
:Soomin Sohn /252

15. Composing Life as a Korean Goose Mother: A Narrative Inquiry into Sues Experience
:Ji Sook Yeom /266

16. Postmodern Arts in an Early Childhood Classroom: Reviving a Deweyan Understanding on Arts and Arts Education
:Eunju Yun /278