국제학술지 14권 1호 원고모집을 안내드립니다
한국유아교육학회 국제학술지(International Journal of Early Childhood Education) 14권 1호 원고모집을 5월30일까지 접수하고 있습니다.
원고모집: 14권 1호
원고마감일: 2008년 5월30일
원고발행예정일: 2008년 8월31일
원고제출 및 작성요령: “Instructions to Authors" 참고
문의처: 국제편집부 이사(이민정: 055-249-2320), 편집간사(강일선: 055-249-2317)
International Journal of Early Childhood Education
International Journal of Early Childhood Education is an international, interdisciplinary journal that publishes empirical and theoretical studies on all topics related to early childhood education and care.
Deadline for Manuscript Submission(Expected Issue Date). May 30(August 31), September 30(December 31)
Length of Manuscript. Manuscripts from 10-30 pages in length may be submitted either electronically via e-mail or by regular mail. If a manuscript is submitted via regular mail the author should submit one hard copy of all materials along with a PC compatible diskette with all the materials on it.
Manuscript Submission Submit manuscripts electronically at mxl227@kyungnam.ac.kr; sun6682@kyungnam.ac.kr Or Mail manuscripts to Minjung Lee, Managing Editor, International Journal of Early Childhood Education, 449 Happo-Gu Kyungnam University Department of Early Childhood Education, Masan City, 631-70.
Manuscripts. Articles should be concise and written in English, keeping in mind that the journals readership is international. The first page should contain the articles title, author(s), affiliation(s), and the name, telephone number, fax number, e-mail, and complete mailing address of the author to whom correspondence should be sent. The second page should contain a short abstract (100-150 words).
Style. The style guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed., 2001) should be followed, especially for reference lists and text citation of sources.
Review. All contributions are subject to review by readers selected by the editorial committee and submitters may be requested to revise.
Tables and Figures. Each table and figure must be mentioned in the text, given a title, and consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals. Authors must enclose reproducible quality originals of all figures and tables. Graphs and charts must be professionally prepared and may be submitted as original black ink drawings or sharp black-and-white photographic reproductions. Illustration in color should be avoided. All figures and tables will be printed in black and white.
Footnotes and References. Footnotes should be used sparingly and indicated by consecutive numbers in the text. Acknowledgements, grant numbers, or other credits should be given as a separate, asterisked footnote. All sources cited in the text must be included in the reference list and vice versa.
Copyright and Permissions. All contributors must sign a Transfer of Copyright Agreement, available from the editor, before the article can be published. Copies of any letters granting permission to reproduce illustrations, tables, or lengthy quoted passages should be included with the manuscript.
원고모집: 14권 1호
원고마감일: 2008년 5월30일
원고발행예정일: 2008년 8월31일
원고제출 및 작성요령: “Instructions to Authors" 참고
문의처: 국제편집부 이사(이민정: 055-249-2320), 편집간사(강일선: 055-249-2317)
International Journal of Early Childhood Education
International Journal of Early Childhood Education is an international, interdisciplinary journal that publishes empirical and theoretical studies on all topics related to early childhood education and care.
Deadline for Manuscript Submission(Expected Issue Date). May 30(August 31), September 30(December 31)
Length of Manuscript. Manuscripts from 10-30 pages in length may be submitted either electronically via e-mail or by regular mail. If a manuscript is submitted via regular mail the author should submit one hard copy of all materials along with a PC compatible diskette with all the materials on it.
Manuscript Submission Submit manuscripts electronically at mxl227@kyungnam.ac.kr; sun6682@kyungnam.ac.kr Or Mail manuscripts to Minjung Lee, Managing Editor, International Journal of Early Childhood Education, 449 Happo-Gu Kyungnam University Department of Early Childhood Education, Masan City, 631-70.
Manuscripts. Articles should be concise and written in English, keeping in mind that the journals readership is international. The first page should contain the articles title, author(s), affiliation(s), and the name, telephone number, fax number, e-mail, and complete mailing address of the author to whom correspondence should be sent. The second page should contain a short abstract (100-150 words).
Style. The style guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed., 2001) should be followed, especially for reference lists and text citation of sources.
Review. All contributions are subject to review by readers selected by the editorial committee and submitters may be requested to revise.
Tables and Figures. Each table and figure must be mentioned in the text, given a title, and consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals. Authors must enclose reproducible quality originals of all figures and tables. Graphs and charts must be professionally prepared and may be submitted as original black ink drawings or sharp black-and-white photographic reproductions. Illustration in color should be avoided. All figures and tables will be printed in black and white.
Footnotes and References. Footnotes should be used sparingly and indicated by consecutive numbers in the text. Acknowledgements, grant numbers, or other credits should be given as a separate, asterisked footnote. All sources cited in the text must be included in the reference list and vice versa.
Copyright and Permissions. All contributors must sign a Transfer of Copyright Agreement, available from the editor, before the article can be published. Copies of any letters granting permission to reproduce illustrations, tables, or lengthy quoted passages should be included with the manuscript.